
Skype for Business Rooms allows for you to chat in groups and keeps the entire history of your chat. You can add new members and they can see the entire history of the chat. After the room administrator gives you access, you will want to follow the room.


1.     Open Skype for Business and sign in.
a.      You can do this by pressing the Windows Key on your keyboard, typing Skype for Business, and then clicking Skype for Business. If o results are found, contact your IT support for assistance.

b.     If prompted to log in, use your WSU email and WSU password2.     You click on the rooms icon that looks like a speech bubble with a star in it.
2. You click on the rooms icon that looks like a speech bubble with a star in it.

3.     On the new tab, right click the group and select follow room.

4.      The room will now show under Your Followed rooms.

5.     If you want Skype to Flash when a new message is sent, you will need to follow the below to configure it.
a.      Click the gear Icon in Skype for Business.

b.     Select Tools and then Options.

c.      From the left Column, select Persistent Chat.

d.     Under the section “When a new message arrives” check the box Show me an alert.

e.      Click OK.