Connecting town Centre 205 to a zoom meeting
Issue / Summary
Occasionally our partners would like to connect to existing Zoom meetings with the Town Centre 205 conference room AOI system.
This can be accomplished by using the provided Zoom access code under “Join from Conference Room System (Polycom) in the scheduled meeting invite. The AOI system will use the room camera and microphone to connect attendees in TC205 to the meeting.
On the touch screen present in TC205, select the green Place a Call button.
On the next screen, type in the join code provided by the Zoom invite. It will begin with an IP address, be followed by two ##, and end with the Meeting ID.
After the connection IP and meeting ID are entered, select the green camera button at the bottom of the screen. Once connected, the microphone, camera, and insert view can all be controlled by the touch screen in the conference room. Output volume should be controlled by the TV remote control as normal.
Happy Zooming!