A tutorial on all things Zoom. If you are new to the application, take a look at this document to help you walk through it.

Creating a Zoom meeting

In this documentation we will be going over the many ways to create a Zoom meeting, how to invite people to it, and to schedule it accurately without conflicts.

1.)  Open Zoom up, usually a shortcut for it can be found on your desktop, however it can also be found by searching Zoom in Windows search.
2.)  This is what your screen will look like once Zoom launches. Please view the key below the picture for more information as to how to navigate Zoom.


This is where we go to start a new meeting, with yourself as the host


This is where to go if another person has already started the meeting, and you are looking to join


Used to schedule a meeting in advance(With Outlook or Google Calendar)


This is used to share computer screens with another person.


This is where you can send I.M.’s to others in your contacts. You can also take notes in here


This is where you can see and edit any upcoming meetings


Contacts within the company

To start this tutorial off, we will be looking at section A (Start a new meeting) first.

Pressing the arrow under “New Meeting” will display the following dropdown

Start with video will open the virtual meeting with your webcam/video enabled. If this is not selected video can be enabled from within the meeting.

Use My Personal Meeting ID (PMI) Your PMI is a personal number designated just to you (like a phone number) that can be used to join your meetings or invite you. If you select to not use your personal ID, a random one will be generated when you start the new meeting.

When the meeting is started, there are two ways to add audio to your meeting to get you and the other parties talking. This is Computer Audio which will connect a laptop speaker or headset to the meeting. There is also Phone Call which allows connection to the meeting through a phone.

When using the Phone call option, select the country you are located in and dial in one of the toll-free numbers. When the number connects, you will be asked to enter the Meeting ID and Participant ID numbers into your phone, and from there your phone will be connected to the meeting.

To invite participants into the meeting, press the Invite button. There are two ways to invite someone to a meeting. You can send an email with a join link, or you could invite them from your contacts.

This is an example of an email that Zoom will send out on behalf of you for the other parties to join. All they have to do is press the link and they will be connected. If this is the first time connecting with this individual, it may be pertinent to attach this documentation with the email for clarification.

From within the meeting, press Manage Participants. This screen is used to mute/unmute participants. The host of the Zoom meeting (usually the person who started or scheduled the meeting) will have the full ability of this screen.

Another tool Zoom offers, is screen sharing. This can be used to show whatever is on your personal computers screen, and is great for displaying or presenting a piece of work/information. Press the Share button to access this, and a pop-up will appear asking what screen and information you want to display.


Screen 1 and Screen 2 are my monitor screens, while everything else is applications I have open.

Next to the share button, is a white up arrow that will open a set of Advanced Sharing Settings. These can be used to determine if multiple people can share at once, and who can share.

Next to the share button, is the Chat, This can be great to write notes or to discuss without having to use your microphones audio.

Finally, we have the Record button. This handy little tool can be used to record entire meetings and to save their content for later.


Next, let’s look at the Schedule section of the Zoom client.

This is the Schedule Meeting pop-up. It contains all information needed for creating a new future meeting.

In this selected section, we can select a start date as well as a start time, meeting duration, and time zones. We can also select the “recurring meeting” checkbox if this is a meeting that will happen in repeat at the same time on the same day of the week.

Here we can determine if video chat will be a part of this meeting, and also how the audio will work (by phone, computer speaker, or both). Looking below that we get a handy set of options for meeting settings. We can set a meeting password to seal it from the public, we can allow participants to join before the host, we can mute participates when they first enter, we can define whether to use your Personal Meeting ID and finally we can set Zoom to auto-record the meeting when it starts.

Last but not least, we need to pick where our meeting’s schedule will be posted too. We have the options of Outlook, Google Calendar, and other. At the Foundation Outlook is what we use the most.

Press Schedule to be taken to the Outlook pop-up to invite the participants to the meeting. Input all parties’ emails, send it, and the meeting will be placed on their respective calendars when they accept.

Next we will be looking at the Join tab in the Zoom client.

A pop-up will open like the one below.

To join the meeting, you will need the Meeting ID number, or the Personal Link Name. The meeting ID is a 9-10 digit number, much like a phone number. The personal link name can be
found at
https://zoom.us/profile, and all Zoom users have a different link.


The last main tab that we need to look at within Zoom, is the Share Screen tab.

This works just like the share screen from within the virtual meeting space, except first we must enter a Meeting ID so Zoom knows who and where to connect.

Once you are connected to the other party, the same screen selection screen will show that we went over earlier from the share tab in the meeting space. Pick a screen or an application to display, and you are on your way sharing work or pertinent information to the other party.